Global Village (die Konferenzen)
Global Village 1993
Global Village 1996
Global Village 1997
Global Village 1999

1999 waren wir beteiligt an der NGO Internet Fiesta und - in neuer Zusammensetzung - an "Global Village 99" Das geplante 4. internationale Global Village Symposium mußte leider abgesagt und auf unbestimmte Zeit vertagt werden.

Visonäre Präsentationen / Visions of the Networked Space Vienna City Hall, February 1995
Bringing the Mind Home

Abstract     Lecture     Author

Tony Gwilliam - Tensegrity International (USA)



A historic overview of humans changing relationship to their home in physical structure and conceptual process.
Where we are now. On the cusp of the static linear industrial model and the evolving dynamic distributed field model.
Its impact on the structure of the planning process. From centralized master plan to bottom up complexity.
Description of a new global village home. Greenways, mews, invisible net, integrated services and homes.

Participants' List